Pioneering Participatory Art Practices: Tracing Actors, Associations and Interactions across the Long Sixties. (2024) Kok, Annemarie. Vol. 243. transcript Verlag.
Mister Motley Magazine Interview: 'Kunst is Lang: Lancel/Maat'. 14-2-2024. Podcast: Luuk Heezen.
Experiments in Zoomumentary–telepresence and absence beyond the grid. (2024) Trevor Hearing. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 1-8.
Applying brainwave information to dynamic image form for constructing a novel interactive art. (2024) LEE, Hung-Ying; WANG, Chao-Ming. System Innovation for an Artificial Intelligence Era: Applied System Innovation X, 2024, 224.
Survey of real-time brainmedia in artistic exploration. (2024) Rem RunGu Lin & Kang Zhang. Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art 7, 27 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s42492-024-00179-2.
Heart and Soul: The Ethics of Biometric Capture in Immersive Artistic Performance. (2024) SPARROW, Lucy A., et al. In: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2024. p. 1-23.
From telepresence to teletrust. (2024) GARCIA, David; DAVIS, Tom. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 2024, 20.2: 163-168.
PhD Thesis Karen Lancel. "CAN I TOUCH YOU ONLINE? Embodied, Empathic Intimate Experience of Shared Social Touch in Hybrid Connections." (2023) Promotor: Prof. Dr. F.M. Brazier. Technical University of Delft, TPM, Participatory Systems Lab.
kM 127, 2023. Interview, Sanneke Huisman: REBOOT.
Interface and/in Faceworld: New Theories of Faciality.. (2023). Parvulescu, A. (2023). American Book Review, 44(1), 69-72.
Talk "Dating Data in the Digital Era" with Karen Lancel and and Éva Ostrowska, Vitra Design Museum, Basel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECeGVS6LvUg.
L’intelligence artificielle s’expose aux Rotondes (2023) Fabien Rodrigues. Bold Magazine, Luxembourg.
Telematic performance enforced by the pandemic: neuroknitting beethoven. Guljajeva, Varvara, Mar Canet Sola, and Iurii Kuzmin. (2023) International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media (2023): 1-19.
Artificial Intelligence and the Emergence of Co-Creativism in Contemporary Art. Tace McNamara / Sensilab, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (2023). INSAM Journal of Contemporary Music, Art and Technology, (11), 12-38.
Transdisciplinariedad entre arte, ciencia y tecnología: superación de fronteras en las propuestas didáctico-expositivas de Karin Ohlenschläger en su etapa como directora de LABoral Gijón. (2023) LIGORRED, Víctor Murillo, et al. Artnodes, 2023, 32: 1-11.
Creative environmental exhibition: Revealing insights through multi-sensory museum experiences and vignette analysis for enhanced audience engagement. (2023) Carroll, F., Pigott, J., Taylor, A., Thorne, S., & Pinney, J. Heritage, 7(1), 76-94.
Chimera: Il Corpo Espanso per una nuova ecosofia dell'arte (2023) Mancuso, Marco. Italië: Mimesis Edizioni.
Feeling (s) without Organs: Performing emotions in blueprints and schemes (2022) MALINOWSKA, Ania. Performance Research, 2022, 27.8: 117-124.
Neuro Art: liminal reflection, introspection, and participatory art. (2022) Gingrich O & Rahman S. Science Open.com.
Machine In The Middle: Exploring Dark Patterns of Emotional Human-Computer Integration Through Media Art. (2022, April ) Dickinson R, Semertzidis N, & Mueller FF. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (pp. 1-7).
Valentina Peri: Daring to tackle, Interview: Erka Shalari. Les Nouveaux Riches. Verein zur Förderung der Zeitgenössischen Kunst und Kultur.
Brainmedia: One Hundred Years of Performing Live Brains, 1920–2020. (2022) Lysen, Flora. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.
Magie numérique: Les Arts trompeurs. Machines. Magie. Médias. (2022) Almiron, Miguel. Frankrijk: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design: 9th International Conference. (2022) Anikó Ekárt, João Correia, Juan Romero, Tiago Martins.
In EvoMUSART 2020, Held as Part of EvoStar 2020, Seville, Spain, April 15–17, 2020, Proceedings. Springer International Publishing (D).
Joined-Up Thinking: The Science of Collective Intelligence and Its Power to Change Our Lives. (2022) Critchlow, Hannah. Hodder & Stoughton, UK.
MIND YOURSELF: Using an artistic psychological brain-computer interface to increase self-consciousness. (2022) RIEFEL, Miriam. Master's Thesis. University of Twente.
Neuro Art: liminal reflection, introspection, and participatory art. (2022) GINGRICH, Oliver; RAHMAN, Shama. In: Proceedings of EVA London 2022. BCS Learning & Development, 2022. p. 135-141.
Sounds of Feeling (2021/2022) Lancel K, Maat H, Blanton A. In: Malinowska A, Valentina P (eds.) Data Dating. Edition Galerie Charlot Paris. Intellect Books UK. (2021)
Location-based Games for Social Interaction in Public Space (2021) Fonseca X. Doctoral thesis TU Delft
Interview in Art & PhD series Metropolis M (2021) Goede N. Metropolis M.
Sensi/able Spaces: Space, Art and the Environment Proceedings of the SPARTEN conference. Reykjavík, June 1st and 2nd, 2006. (2021) Edward H. Huijbens, Ólafur Páll Jónsson.UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
When creators meet the metaverse: A survey on computational arts. (2021) LEE, Lik-Hang, et al. arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.13486, 2021.
The X-Faces Behind the Portraits of No One. (2021) CORREIA, João, et al. SN Computer Science, 2021, 2.4: 236.
A Case Study on the Digital Media Exhibition Planning and Artificial Intelligence and Data Artworks of ISEA 2019. (2-21) KIM, Young-Ho; OH, Na-Yea; PARK, Jin-Wan. Journal of Digital Contents Society, 2021, 22.2: 243-251.
Tactics of interfacing: encoding affect in art and technology (2020) Ksenia Federova. MIT publishers.
Viral Intimacy Lancel K, Maat H. In: Recipes for the Future. (2020) Publication Dutch Consulate Düsseldorf & Impakt Utrecht.
Saving Face: Shared experience and dialogue on social touch, in playful smart public space. (2020) Lancel K, Maat H, Brazier FM. In: Anton Nijholt (ed.) Making smart cities more playable. Exploring playable cities. Springer Verlag.
Playful Introduction on “Making Smart Cities More Playable” Nijholt, A. (2020). In: Making Smart Cities More Playable (pp. 1-22). Springer, Singapore.
Levelling Playing Fields, A Nomadic Play Design. Bergström, A. O. (2020). In Making Smart Cities More Playable (pp. 303-317). Springer, Singapore.
Portraits of No One: An Interactive Installation. Martins T., Correia J., Rebelo S., Bicker J., Machado P. (2020). In: Romero J., Ekárt A., Martins T., Correia J. (eds) Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design. EvoMUSART 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12103. Springer, Cham
On the Basis of Face: Biometric Art as Critical Practice, its History and Politics. Devon Schiller (2020). Intsitute of Network Cultures, HvA Amsterdam
Cirkels in het gras, de betekenis van grenzen. Ina Boiten (2020) in: Pictura/Blad, 02/2020, pas 5-9.
22nd HCI International Conference - Late Breaking Papers: Multimodality and Intelligence (2020, July 19–24) Constantine Stephanidis, Helmut Degen, Lauren Reinerman-Jones, Masaaki Kurosu. Copenhagen, Denmark. Proceedings. Springer International Publishing (D).
Mapping between mind cybernetics and aesthetic structure in real-time EEG art. ZHANG, Minli (2020) et al. In: HCI International 2020-Late Breaking Papers: Multimodality and Intelligence: 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings 22. Springer International Publishing, 2020. p. 344-362.
Extended Realities, Artificial Intelligence and Interfaces (2020) BROOKS, Anthony L.; BROOKS, Eva. In: Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation: 8th EAI International Conference, ArtsIT 2019, and 4th EAI International Conference, DLI 2019, Aalborg, Denmark, November 6–8, 2019, Proceedings 8. Springer International Publishing, 2020. p. 195-201.
A Critical History of Media Art in the Netherlands (1985-now). Platforms, policies, technologies. (Ed) Marga van Mechelen, University of Amsterdam. Publisher: Jap Sam Books.
Digital Canon?! Digital Art 1960-2000. (Eds) Josephine Bosma, Martijn van Boven, Annet Dekker, Sandra Fauconnier, Jan Robert Leegte, Gaby Wijers and Sanneke Huisman. Publisher: LIMA Media Art Institute Amsterdam.
Going Digital? New Media and Digital Art at the Stedelijk. Van der Meulen, S. (2019, September). In Arts (Vol. 8, No. 3, p. 97). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
Shared Multi-Modal, Multi Brain Computer Interface Experience, in public Space. Lancel K, Maat H, Brazier FM (2019) In: Anton Nijholt (ed.) Brain Art. Brain-Computer Interfaces for Artistic Expression. Springer, Cham. Human-Computer Interaction series.
Brain-Computer Interfaces in Contemporary Art: A State of the Art and Taxonomy. Prpa M & Pasquier P (2019). In: Nijholt A (Ed.) Brain Art (pp. 65-115). Springer, Cham.
Kissing Data. Distributed Haptic Connections through Social Touch. Lancel K, Maat H, Brazier FM (2019). In: RIXC gallerija Riga (ed.) Acoustic Space Volume: Virtualities and realities. New experiences, art and ecologies in immersive environments. (Artistic Research.) Publisher: University of Liepaja Latvia, no.1.
Responsive public spaces: exploring the use of interactive technology in the design of public spaces (2019) Suurenbroek, F., Nio, I., & de Waal, M. Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Catalogue ISEA 2019 Gwangju, 'Lux Aetterna', published by NABI Art center Seoul, South Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Chung-Ang University, and ISEA International.
Man as ‘aggregate of data’. Van der Meulen, S., & Bruinsma, M. (2019). AI & SOCIETY, 34(2), 343-354.
Hosting social touch in public space of merging realities. Lancel K, Maat H, Brazier FM (2019) In: ArtsIT 2019 proceedings. Publisher: Springer Verlag. (Upcoming 2019).
Catalogue Exhibition TASIE Beijing, Tsinghua University beijing China.
ArtScience Database ARTECHLAB & education Amsterdam. Work lancel/Maat: EEG KISS.
Designing disruption for social touch, in public spaces of merging realities: a multi-sensory model. Lancel K, Maat H, Brazier FM (2019) In: Int. J. of Arts and Technology. Special Issue: ArtsIT 2018 Arts and Technology. Inderscience Publishers. (Upcoming, 2019- 2020)
Reframing Innovation: Art, the Maker Movement and Critique. V Bradbury, S O'Hara - Media-N (2019) About presentation by Olga Mink, New Media Caucus panel at CAA Conference, February 2019, New York City.
Elaborating on Labs. Reflections on the Blurring Boundaries between arts, science, technology and Society. Mink O (2019) In: V Bradbury, S O'Hara - Media-N (Eds.) Art Hack Practice: Critical Intersections of Art, Innovation and the Maker Movement, Routledge.
Kissing and Staring in Times of Neuro-mania. Lysen, F. (2019). In: Borgdorff H, Peters P, Pinch T (Eds.) Dialogues Between Artistic Research and Science and Technology Studies. Routledge 2019.
Material Systems. Pigott, J. (2019). In: Borgdorff H, Peters P, Pinch T (Eds.) Dialogues Between Artistic Research and Science and Technology Studies. Routledge 2019.
Collapsing Boundaries. Sampson, T. D. (2019). In: Borowski M, Chaberski M, Sugiera M (Eds.) Emerging Affinities-Possible Futures of Performative Arts(127), 189. transcript Verlag, 2019.
Reversing the spectator paradigm: symbiotic interaction and the ‘gaze’ of the artwork. Kelomees R (2019) In: Digital Creativity, 30:3,143-160.
ARTSSCIENCES DESIGNATHON. Hotze A, Bremmer AM, Heijnen E, Pijls M, Beamer E, Works D, & Roos N (2019). Tijdschrift voor Lerarenopleiders, 40,3.
The Making of Digital Futures. Papadimitriou, I. (2019). In (Eds. Victoria BradburySuzy O'Hara) Art Hack Practice: Critical Intersections of Art, Innovation and the Maker Movement. Routledge.
Cognitive Values in New Media Art. Myoo, S. (2019). ART INQUIRY, 21, 99-109.
Transmedia Experiences That Blur the Boundaries Between the Real and the Fictional World. Gouveia P (2019). In: Simão E, Soares C (Eds.) Trends, Experiences, and Perspectives in Immersive Multimedia and Augmented Reality (pp. 1-22). IGI Global.
New Ways of Knowing Ourselves. BCI Facilitating Artistic Exploration of Our Biology. Jade, L., & Gentle, S. (2019). In: Brain Art (pp. 229-262). Springer, Cham.
Art Hack Practice: Critical Intersections of Art, Innovation and the Maker Movement (2019) Suzy O'Hara, Victoria Bradbury
Taylor & Francis, UK.
Human enhancement through the lens of experimental and speculative neurotechnologies. (2019) TEUNISSE, Wessel; YOUSSEF, Sandra; SCHMIDT, Markus. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2019, 1.4: 361-372.
Collapsing Boundaries. Ambivalence and Interference. Tony D. Sampson. BOROWSKI, Mateusz; CHABERSKI, Mateusz; SUGIERA, Malgorzata (ed.) In: Emerging Affinities - Possible Futures of Performative Arts. transcript, 2019.
Ars Electronica 2018, exhibition catalogue. 'Error. The art of imperfection.'
'The Role of Art in Emotional-Moral Reflection on Risky and Controversial Technologies: the Case of BNCI (2018) Sabine Roeser, Veronica Alfano, Caroline Nevejan. In: 'Ethical Theory and Moral Practice'. Researchgate.net.journal, Springer Verlag..
Robot Love exhibition catalogue. Edited by Ine Gevers, Klaas Kuitenbrouwer, Martijntje Smits en Iris van der Tuin. Further works included by artists Hito Steierl, Driessens & Verstappen, Koert van Mensvoort, L.A. Raeven, Zoro Feigl, Matthew Barney, Roger Hiorns, Philippe Parreno.
Emotional Resonance: An Interactive Installation Controlled by Biometric Data. Livia, C., & Wolf, K. (2018). In: Politics of the Machines-Art and After 7, 1-6.
Trends, Experiences, and Perspectives in Immersive Multimedia and Augmented Reality. Authors: Emília Simão, Celia Soares. IGI Global publications. 2018.
The Materiality of Love. Routledge / Taylor & Francis publishers. Author Anna Malinowska: 'The matter of kissing. Essays on affection and cultural practice.' 2018.
Digital Performance. Author Veronica D'Auria, essay: 'Kissing Data'. 2018.
Arte-TV 'Future Love: Liebe und Sexualitaet.' 2018.
Brand-New-Life', magazine for art criticism. 'Erklärung an eine (Un)Bekannte.' Author: Verena D. Dörfler. 2018.
Earth Sciences. 'Future Love at HeK, Basel.' Author: Zachary Korol-Gold. 2018.
Art-in.de. Kunstagentur Thomessen. 'Future Love. Begehren und Verbundenheit im Zeitalter geformter Natur'. Author: Carola Hartlieb. 2018.
Badische Zeitung. 'Future Love im Haus der elektronischen Künste.' 19-1-2018.
BS Bâle en Français. 'Love Future: rien de sexuel ou presque!' Author: Veronique Bidinger. 17-2-12018.
SRF Culture, Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen. 'Auf ein Date mit dem Flirt-Bot.' Author Tom Hägler, 19-1-2018.
RTS Radio, Television Suisse: Culture, Arts Visuelle. 'Une exposition examine l'impact de la technologie sur notre sexualité.' Author Tom Hägler. 2018.
Metropolis M. Essay 'Worlding the brain. Hoe neurowetenschap kunst voedt & andersom.' Author Nim Goede. In: Metropolis M, No. 2, 2018.
Performing Hypo-Linguistics. Stoyanova, M., & SoYoung, L. P. (2018). In: Technoetic Arts, 16(1), 63-73
Embodied Soulmarks and Social Expectations: The Materialization of Romantic Love in Soulmate AU Fanfiction. Kowalska, K. (2017). In: The Materiality of Love (pp. 209-222). Routledge.
UCI Magazine. Author Shari Roan. 'Technology Is Part of Life – and Art.'2017.
Art blog. Annie Abrahams. 2017. 'More percursors – a kisstory.'
Rhizome.org. Author Jonah Brucker-Cohen. 'Report from the Second Annual Open Fields Conference'. 2017.
Digital Synesthesia, A Model for the Aesthetics of Digital Art’, exhibition catalogue.
Katharina Gsöllpointner, Romana Schuler (Eds.) De Gruyter Publishers. Including: Jeffrey Shaw, Tamiko Thiel/Christoph Reiserer, Kondition Pluriel Martin Kush/Marie Claude Poulin, Lancel/Maat, Peter Weibel.
When I kiss you, I can taste your soul. Geert Lovink (2017). In: 'Digital Synesthesia, A Model for the Aesthetics of Digital Art’, K. Gsöllpointner, R. Schuler (Eds.) De Gruyter Publishers.
Connecting Cities Network Exhibition Catalogue. 'What Urban Media can do'. Publisher: Avedition. 2016.
Edited by Susa Pop, Tanya Toft, Nerea Calvillo, Mark Wright. The catalogue about EU funded project 'Connecting Cities Network' includes 50 media art projects in city spaces worldwide and theoretical articles of among others Claire Bishop, Maurice Benayoun, Eric Kluitenberg, Mark Shepard, Peter Weibel.
World Radio China. Interview by Zheng Yunfeng, Vincent. 2016. Save Your Faces with Mine. In depth interview with artists about their project 'Saving Face' BCAC Beijing Culture and Art Center.
Art Journal 'BALTAN Quarterly. Flora Lysen. The Neurofutures of Love; Reflections on E.E.G. KISS, an Art-Science Experiment at Baltan Laboratories. Page 4-5. 2016..
Art Publication 'Eyebeam Book of Ideas'. 2016. Eyebeam New York. 2016.
Design Reader: Open Set Seoul Sessions. Memories of the Future. Interview. By Noortje van Eekelen 'Civility in a Mediated Society'. 2016.
Curating the city: urban interfaces and locative media as experimental platforms for cultural data (2026) Nanna Verhoeff & Clancy Wilmott. In: Rob Kitchin, Sung-Yueh Perng (Eds.) 'Code and the City'. UK: Taylor & Francis.
Redes sin causa: Una crítica a las redes sociales (2016) Lovink, Geert. Spain: Editorial UOC, S.L.
ARTSPY, video Interview. Beijing Culture and Art Center 2015.
EIKON'. Internationale Zeitschrift für Photographie und Medienkunst. 'Digital Synaesthesia. Im Focus: Fotofilmische Realitäten.' Heft 2/2015.
Contemporary Code, exhibition catalogue. Romana Schuler. . Exhibition on Artistic Research, Hongkong University / University of Applied Arts Vienna. ISBN 978-3-9504140-1-1.
Austrian/German TV program 3SAT. Gerald Teufel. 'SYNESTHESIA', Documentary on exhibition. 2016.
Makery / Media for Labs, Art Web Magazine. Laurent Catala. 2015. 'Big Data du Bisou'.
Culture Magazine. 'De Digitale Ander'. Redacteur Tracy Metz. 2015. De Balie / Holland Festival, Amsterdam.
Holland Festival Amsterdam / Stadsleven: video lecture. Redacteur Tracy Metz. ..
The Creators Project, art webmagazine. Eva Oosterveld. 2015. 'Ik scande mijn gezicht door het te strelen.'
Der Standard, newspaper. Roman Gerold . Synästhesie und Technik: Sinnlichkeit in Zeiten von Big DataAustrian Daily. 2015.
Vienna Online, newspaper. 'Digital Synesthesia': Interaktive Schau in Wien zeigt Koppelung der Sinne'. 2015.
NRC Handelsblad, newspaper. Bianca Stigter. 2015.
Parool, newspaper. Tracy Metz. 'De Digitale Ander'. 19 mei 2015. .
Negotiating the Mediated City: Everyday Encounters with Public Screens. Zlatan an Krajina. Routledge 2014.
Art Magazine. Allesandro Ludovico. E.E.G. Kiss, quantifying the unquantifiable.
No. 48, 2014. Magazine for Critical Digital Culture and Media Arts, Neural.it.
Interview, University Magazine. Saskia Bongers. Ik wil online aanraken introduceren.
In: DELTA Magazine TU Delft.
University Magazine. Delta Magazine van de Technische Universiteit Delft: Vertrouwen ontwerpen interview met Frances Brazier, Technische Universiteit Delft
Scientific Publication. NECSUS European Jourrnal of Media Studies The navigational gesture: Traces and tracings at the mobile touchscreen interface Case study: Saving Face, artist project by Lancel & Maat. By Nanna Verhoeff (Associate professor Media and Culture Studies at Utrecht University) & Heidi Rae Cooley.
Newspaper. Bianca Stigter. Zangcocktails en het lezen van gedachten.
5-9-2014. NRC Handelsblad.
Science TV. Team Shared Senses: Feeling each other on a distance
/ Elkaar voelen op afstand. NPO television..
Art TV. Creative Arte tv Comment intégrer le toucher dans la sphère numérique?
Art TV. Creative Arte Magazine, Auf digitaler Tuchfühlung: Ein Kunstprojekt über neue Formen der technischen Kommunikation
Art Magazine. Bettery Magazine Connecting Cities, Redefining urban imagery through artistic and social content
Magazine. Lijn 5 Beeld ontworpen met jongeren Lijn5 onthuld op rotonde
Book Negotiating the Mediated City: Everyday Encounters with Public Screens. Zlatan an Krajina. Routledge 2014.
Art Journal / Exhibition Catalogue. China ZHUANGSHI journal for Art and Design, released by Beijing Newspaper / Periodical Publishing Bureau (Domestic) / China International Book Trading Corporation (international) / Published on behalf of Tsinghua University (Beijing, China) Saving Face, TASIE 2012
Art Publication. Highlike Book by FILE-Electronic Language International Festival & SESI publishing house, Japan.
Art Publication. Artist as a host for artistic research group (lectoraat) ‘Image in context‘
(Dr. Anke Coumans). Minerva art academy Groningen.
Including essay 'Hosting the Hybrid City' by Lancel&Maat.
Exhibition Catalogue. Amber Conference Istanbul
Art Essay. Katia Truijen. 2013. Urban Social Spaces. For: University of Amsterdam and Mediamatic Amsterdam.
Public Space, Media Space (2013) Chris Berry, Janet Harbord, Rachel O. Moore. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Shanghai’s public screen culture: Local and coeval. BERRY, Chris. In: Public space, media space. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2013. p. 110-134.
Art/Science Publication. Nanna Verhoeff. 2012. Mobile Screens. The Visual Regime of Navigation.
Amsterdam University Press.
Art Book. Catalogue 400 years Holland-Turkey diplomatic relations, by Dutch Consulate Istanbul.
Art Book. Open House research publication IASPIS Stockholm.
Exhibition Catalogue / Art Science Book. Techno-Ecologies, Other Approaches to Cultural, Social and Ecological Sustainability. RIXC The Centre for New Media Culture Riga, Latvia. In collaboration with Eric Kluitenberg.
Exhibition Catalogue. 3rd Art & Science International Exhibition, Symposium TASIE Beijing, China.
Art-Science Publication. Caroline Nevejan. 2012. Witnessing You, artistic research into being and bearing witness.
Publisher: Participatory Systems Initiative, Technical University Delft.
Art Magazine Allessandro Ludovico. 2012. Essay on ISEA 2011 and Tele_Trust. No. 40, Neural.it.
Art Web Journal. Augment It!. Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.
Art Webmagazine. Shevia Limmen. 2012. Touching the Face as social Interface.
DOTS Magazine for iPads #3.
Exhibition Catalogue. ISEA Istanbul 2011.
Art Science Publication. Karen Lancel. 2012. New parameters for a (online) networked practice based PhD. A case study: 'Tele_Trust for networking bodies'.
Leonardo Electronic Almanac.
Art Science Catalogue. PSi Camillo 2.0, University of Utrecht & Festival a/d Werf Utrecht .
Newspaper. NRC 3-6-2011, article by Tracy Metz Een gezicht samengesteld uit honderden gezichten.
Art Journal. Tele_Trust. In : 'RTRSRSCH'. AHK Amsterdam University of the Arts. Monography with contributions by the artists, Geert Lovink, Marijke Hoogenboom, Eric Kluitenberg, Caroline Nevejan.
Art Magazine. Katharina Galla. 2011. cops: Considering Liberty. dip journal.
Art WebMagazine. http://www.scoop.it/t/arts-numeriques/p/90229775/2011/04/25/tele-trust-karen-lancel-hermen-maat
Art WebMagazine. Elizabeth Strickler. 2011. Threat of insecurity & isolation in Public Spaces. In Media Res.
- TMC @ Shanghai World Expo 2010, http://www.themobilecity.nl/adaptation
- Catalogue 'The round of... an experiment On Art and public roundabouts'
by Rotondelab Provincie Utrecht;
essay: 'The digital hitchhiker' - Magazine 'Wer ist eigentlich Joseph Beuys?'
by Stiftung Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen - Sonic Acts XIII: 'Poetics of hybrid space', by The Mobile City /
Martijn de Waal and Michiel de Lange - Catalogue Festival Gogbot, 'Singularity is near'
- Turbulence.org/blog/tags/touch/, by Jo-Anne Green
- Interview with artist, Utrecht Interactive expert meeting: http://vimeo.com/16965399,
- De Balie Amsterdam, by Gerbrand Oudenaarden and
Nannette Danckaarts, http://vimeo.com/10293099,
Book Institute for Network Cultures Amsterdam: ‘Urban Screens Reader’, essay on 'StalkShow' by the artists
Interview V2_Institute Rotterdam by Arie Altena, 'Aanraken en Vertrouwen'
Book 'Someones Garden', Bi Monthly Free Artbook on AIR, Japan
Dagblad van het Noorden 16 okt 2009, by Marijke Brouwer
Algemeen dagblad-Amersfoortse Courant 11-11-2009, by Jeroen de Valk
Catalogue Lumineus Amersfoort, 'Tele_Trust'.
Santana, Isabella Oliveira. 2009. 'Fields of contemporary terror broached at the topos of performance art'. Thesis. Repositório da Produção Científica e Intelectual da Unicamp .
Magazine Stedebouw & RuimtelijkeOrdening S&RO by Denise Vrolijk en Henk van Houtum, magazine Stedebouw & Ruimtelijke Ordening, uitgave van Nirov, (ruimtelijke ontwikkeling van stad, land, regio)
Publication Nimk Nederlands Instituut voor Media Kunst, ‘Phantom Territory’
Publication Urban Screens 08, Federation Square Melbourne, 'StalkShow'
Goldberg, RoseLee. Performa: New Visual Art Performance. USA: Performa, 2007..
Catalogus Art center Nabi, Seoul: ‘People, Art & Technology’ (P.Art.Y)
Magazine ‘Beelden’ recensie over schetsopdracht presentatie Zapscape
Shanghai Daily May 10 2007 by kate Chapman
Publicatie + dvd Panorama ZuidVleugel door AtelierZuidvleugel
Film: http://www.atelierzuidvleugel.nl/section/projecten/projectid/23/page/200
Catalogus Gorcums Museum, ‘Leven uit een koffer‘
Exhibition file Watermans London, curator Ilse Black: http://www.watermans.org.uk/exhibitions/straitjacket_embrace
‘Amsterdam Index’ for Creative Industry Diana Krabbendam / Marinus Boezem
DVD catalogue of OUTVIDEO ’06 Moscow & Yekatarinnenburg
Volkskrant 28 sept. Sacha Bronwasser
Catalogue IFVA / Videotage / Hong Kong Arts Center
Apple Daily, Hong Kong
ARTECONTEXTO Spain, by Vicente Carron
Radio 1 interview Inviting Horror door Jonneke van Wierst
Catalogus Art & Science exhibition Beijing China
Ons Erfdeel nr 5 , by Petri Leijdekkers
Catalogue China Millennium Art Museum, Beijing (China) curator Alex Adriaansens
De Appel Jubilee Catalogue: 1984-2005: ‘Als muren oren hadden’
ETC Montréal, Canada, nr 69 2005, page77, by Joan Lalonde
‘ISEA 2004: Faire L’histoire dans l’evenementiel’
Interactionfield – Public Space culturebase.org, by Mirjam Struppek
'No Ego' by Josephine Bosma
Online Biennale Rotterdam, biennalerotterdam.nl
Catalogus Kulturzentrum Schlachthof, Bremen (Germany) design1.cn
Netzwissenschaft, www.Netzwissenschaft.de
Bubbel Platformgras/NP3 Groningen door Olaf van der Wal/Ruud Akse
Booklet ZKM-publishers bij tentoonstelling Meisterwerke aus der collection
Catalogue ISEA04 and Kiasma Museum, Finland
Catalogue Bienale Villette Numérique 2004, POWER
Teleac online radio-interview, teleac.nl/digitalekunst/pagina.jsp?nr=102133
V2-instituut archief, framework.v2.nl
Catalogus Vrije Ruimten, Zuid As Amsterdam
Res Magazine, New York (USA), interview by David Alm
Catalogus Parasite/Paradise, SKOR en NAI editors Rotterdam
Metropolis M nr 4 2003, review: ‘Parasite Paradise’
Catalogue Stad.Als.Film, Schiedam
World Radio, interview StalkShow / e - culture fair.
Lutgerink, Femke. This is for Real. Nederland: Stedelijk Museum, 2000.
Flash Art. Italië: G. Politi, 2000. nr 2010-2012